Protesters in Edinburgh call for action on the climate emergency

Protesters in Edinburgh call for action on the climate emergency

Protesters gathered outside the Scottish Parliament in a “global day of action” to support Cop28.

Activists braved the rain in Edinburgh to call for united action on the climate crisis, and to urge the Scottish Government and UK Government to rethink policies.

The event was organised by the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland coalition, which includes 60 organisations such as RSPB Scotland, Christian Aid Scotland, and Unison Scotland, as well as the Climate Justice Coalition.

Activists carried placards which read “Save nature, save the climate!”, and “Listen to the wind of change, just transition now”.

Hazard signs placed on the grass read “Climate emergency”.

Organisers believe the Scottish Government should take bold action to tackle climate change, to deliver “our fair share of action in response to the Paris Agreement” and supporting climate justice globally.

Speakers discussed the headlines from the Cop28 talks, and opportunities to deliver a fair transition for workers and communities and to protect nature, as well as the threat posed by new oil fields.

Becky Kenton-Lake, from Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, said: “Two years ago over 100,000 people took to the streets of Glasgow to tell world leaders at the Cop26 climate talks they wanted action on the climate and nature emergencies.

“Since then, despite record-breaking temperatures and increasingly devastating climate impacts, we have seen a lack of robust and urgent action to reduce emissions, protect nature, or make the biggest polluters pay for the damage they are causing.

“People in Scotland have been demanding climate and nature action for years, but temperatures and injustices continue to rise – so now we are rising.

“This event will give everyone the opportunity to send a strong message to decision makers and show that Scotland stands with other events around the world during the UN climate talks Cop28.

“This year will soon be confirmed as the hottest ever recorded, and there have been devastating climate impacts in all corners of the world, from flooding in Brechin, wildfires in Hawaii and drought in the Horn of Africa.

“People are increasingly frustrated that, despite this, we have seen a lack of robust and urgent action to reduce emissions, protect nature, or make the biggest polluters pay for the damage they are causing – things they have been demanding for years.

“The Cop28 global day of action sent a strong message to governments that there must be no more delay to delivering fair climate action.”

Published: by Radio NewsHub

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